
Histamine is a biogenic amine which is formed by enzymatical decarboxylation from the amino acid histidine. It can also reach the human organism via food consumption and trigger numerous intolerance related symptoms. The extent of the reaction depends on the ingested amount of histamine.
Furthermore, toxic reactions are possible after uptake of high histamine concentrations. These result from bacterial degradation of protein-rich food like fish, cheese and meat as well as from red wine consumption. The concentration of histamine formed depends on the the bacterial species, temperature and exposure time. It can exceed 1000 ppm (mg/kg). Especially scromboid fish species (mackerel, tuna) which are insufficiently cooled tend to an increased formation of histamine (scombroid-poisoning). The histamine limit in fish and fishery products is 50 mg/kg in some countries. In addition, the EU plans the introduction of a 2 mg/l limit in wine.